Consider the following framework for thinking about our work as software engineers. There is a product that you maintain, and something is not working as the customer wants it to, either since it’s a bug or a feature they want or need. The first step is to use information at our disposal in order to learn about our product, so to make a decision of the solution. The second step is to optimally implement that solution.
Got a problem? Spend some time writing a script to do it for you. Got a bigger problem? Write a service which fixes it for you. Want to solve problems with software engineering? Use Token Jobs.
At eBay, each development team works with multiple distributed teams. To keep everyone on the same page with the different projects that they are working on, we built a tool called ShipShip to help keep information flowing.
This is about the programming language Julia
Follow-up to A glimpse of a rabbit
So I’ve had a website on pythonanywhere for a while now. I’ve enjoyed using flask but it does have it’s limitations. I feel there could be a greater community working at giving help, and in general just to compile.
Follow-up to charc_math 1.0
I was talking to my friend Jack, and he reminded me that to be really giving 100% as a mathematician, or as whatever you are, you really need to be giving 100% on everything. You need to be eating well, you need to be sleeping well, you need to be relaxing well, to work well.
So I’d reflected on the first week before, and thought I’d do it for the other weeks too.
We haven’t written anything yet, but me and a friend are looking at something we’ve called the ‘span’ of a set.
I just started my URSS with being given a complicated title and some papers I don’t understand. I’m told it’s actually very simple, but from the outside it certainly doesn’t feel so.
So I’ve finally published the module to Pypi, and I’ve also updated the ubuntu on my pc. I decided to go for a fresh install and not let my files gather into messes like they usually end up doing.
Follow-up to Python Maths
Follow-up to Learning Python in a new way
I realise i don’t update that much. So i felt maybe i should.
Writing about web page
So this is me writing up the thing about the hockey stick theorem from first year. It can be found in the notes section. Was a nice find back then. I even got to do a talk about it and explain it to some college classes. Just to clarify – this isn’t world leading research, it’s just a first year thinking ahead a little bit.
So to cement my skills at programming in python I wrote a base code for Project Euler. Currently just finishing problem #5.
So I should also note I created a module on Python, currently only using Python2.7. I don’t plan to update it to Python 3, but might update depending on what I need.
Following on from MakeAMillion, I decided to label it under digit theory, since that is essentially what it is.
Finally, started blogging again, this time with purpose. I and a few of my friends will be looking into how mathematicians of the past could have found what they did. The basic structure of these will be: